Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tourist no more

I am now officially a student in Paris! I had my first two classes today. They were both a little on the slow side, and when each one lasts 3 hours, it made for a very long day. My French language class this morning was super intimidating. We went around the room and introduced ourselves and every single person besides me has been here since at least the beginning of January, and several have been here for a few years. Yikes! I hope I am not too far behind everyone else.

I keep having to look at the pictures I've taken to remember what I've done the past few days. It feels like I've been here so much longer than a week and a couple of days, probably because I've been going nonstop the whole time. It felt amazing to sit all day today! Since I last posted, I've gone to: Musee d'Orsay, Sacre Coeur, Moulin Rouge (during the day), les Galeries Lafayettes (giant store with a bunch of designer stuff), Notre Dame and the Louvre! I've definitely kept busy, and I haven't even gone to half of the places on my list! Maria Copp (TU student studying in Nantes this semester) was in Paris for the weekend so we went to church together and the Louvre, and stumbled upon some other cool sites too--the St. Ouen flea market and St. Eustache church.

I've started planning some other trips and realized that I won't be back in Paris for the whole weekend until the last weekend in March!

this weekend: Normandy and Mont St. Michel with ISA
5-7: Amsterdam with Elisa
12-14: Milan with the parents
19: Reims champagne tour, also with the parents
And the last weekend I have billions of visitors! Ok, more like 5, but still!

I don't feel so bad about leaving all the time since I have Fridays and Mondays free to do whatever around Paris. I get the best of both worlds, getting to know Paris and exploring Europe too!

Fun fact: I've seen at least 7 accordion players on the metro since I've been here, and several violinists as well. It's not just in the movies!

1 comment:

  1. I looked at the calendar, unless they change things, you will also be in the Loire Valley April 10-11, probably traveling on spring break April 17-May 2 and Versaille on May 8. Also, did you realize you have a five day weekend May 13-17 (at least it says you are off on Thursday)? Good travel weekend then too. Your brother needs to find out when his finals are for the class he is taking and three he is teaching so he can figure out when he is coming to visit. That might be a good time for him and/or Jon to come over.
