Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Je suis arrivée à Paris!


I made it here after several hours of delays, maybe half an hour of sleep and a lot of waiting around. Sunday I took a shuttle to my apartment, managed to make my way through the 3 doors, 1 code and a conversation via intercom that ended with my host saying she would just come find me. I live in an apartment with a retired French lady, Madame Boquet, and a roommate from New York (the state), who has been here for three weeks already. I was a little unsure about the housing situation the first day, but I've managed to have several successful mini conversations and I find my host very understanding and patient, which is important with my limited French!

I've found that I know more French than I thought, or at least understand more. I have some issues speaking, but I understand most of what's going on around me, although I'm sure they all slow down a lot to help me out.

My classes don't start until next week, but as long as I don't bomb my oral test tomorrow, I only have 3 days of class a week--WIN! I just found out that there are a few other students with 4-day weekends so hopefully we can travel together some.

I haven't done a whole lot yet, besides orientation, getting a cell phone, figuring out public transportation (so easy! I really feel like I can go anywhere as long as I have a map, for the first time in my life!), etc. I walked around the neighborhood a little bit yesterday, through the Luxembourg gardens, which are going to be beautiful when it gets warmer out. I'm planning on doing some touristy things later this week or this weekend, and hopefully shopping soon!

Random observations:
Toilet paper comes in packs here? In the apartment, we have what looks like mini pink Kleenex as toilet paper.
The ISA staff here are basically the most wonderful people I've ever met. I want to be best friends with all of them!
There's a coffee machine in the ISA office that's just like the one outside of our classrooms in Chile.
Speaking of Chile, it's cold here! Good thing they all wear thick scarves.
My internet doesn't work at the apartment yet, so don't expect to skype me!

Contact info:
Skype: krizzle.bizzle

Mailing Address:
Kristin Wood
c/o ISA Paris
75, bis rue des Plantes
75014 Paris, France
(side note: if it's a package, ask me about it first because there are special instructions!)

Love you all!



  1. It is good to hear from you and know things are going well. I hope you find some travel buddies and can see a lot while you are in Europe, but don't forget to keep up with your studies, too. We're anxious to hear all about your adventures, and to see you in just a few weeks!

  2. Madame BOUQUET, I love it! Kristen, I am so jealous! Tell me how I can live your life! I'm going to bookmark your blog and live vicariously through you while I try to survive tax season and number crunching. xoxo Cristina Young
